Introducing the Curble Chair
Your spine is the pillar that supports your body. A healthy spine has an S-shaped curve. The Curble Chair is designed for people who spend most of their day sitting, to encourage this S-shaped curve and thereby relieve back pain.
The science of sitting
When you sit on a Curble, the chair's leverage effect encourages your spine into the correct posture, which reduces pressure on the spine by up to 30%. Curble lifts your coccyx naturally and disperses pressure, correcting and strengthening the core muscles in your body by supporting your waist.
Are you sitting comfortably?
Curble is made from a highly elastic, plastic material to offer you flexible, comfortable support. Manufactured using an injection moulding process, each Curble is made with just one piece of plastic, giving it a firm tension that provides the ultimate stability for your back and spine.
Corporate & Charity Pricing
Please contact us at to discuss discounts available for orders of 10 units or more